Late last year the Pastor at my church preached on how we cannot change the past and that God wants us to move on. He also spoke about how in the bible, certain things happened to people and God used those things to turn man around. He quoted a few examples, one of the earliest ones being Gen 50:20 where Joseph tells his brothers that they had intended to harm him, but that God intended it for good to accomplish the saving of many lives (paraphrased).
A co-incidence or God-incidence? Certainly the latter. But there are things that happen in our lives that we can’t explain and wonder why they happen, particularly things that appear to be bad at the outset, but later turn out to be a silver lining and a path changing incident. These things are God-incidences and I want to use this Blog to share these type of happenings and encourage others to share them also.
I’ll be posting copies of articles I have written in the past demonstrating how God-incidences have taken place in my own life.
So, it is my hope, my wish, my prayer, that this blog will speak to many out there who are seeking confirmation that God is working in their lives but can’t yet see it.
Bless you, KMT
It’s always a blessing to come across a believer who is spreading the faith. And this too shall pass, helped me see the light. I want to shine a light on hearts of sorrow. that is my mission and my time is getting short. Please pray I get this accomplished. God Bless you and use you to enlighten lost souls. Praise the Lord!