This was sent to me by one of my daughters.
January this year, I travelled to Ireland to complete a five month course studying and working with horses. Previously, I had completed another course that offers a scholarship to this stud in Ireland. I applied for the scholarship, but didn’t achieve this.
However, I still believed it was a place I was supposed to go and that I would get a lot out of doing the course. So, I applied outside of the scholarship, deciding I could afford to pay to go. Again, I was knocked back being informed I was on reserve and if anyone declined their acceptance, I was in line. I was encouraged by mum to see how I could improve this position and make it into the course so I contacted them and it was suggested I work another year and apply again with updated references.
Over twelve months I gained invaluable experience, applied again and was accepted. As a Christian I was aware that I should be looking for a Church to attend while overseas, but didn’t look into this wholeheartedly. There were other things too, I would be missing out on while over there – my guitar, Christian friends, family and people to speak into my life. Silly, but although most of these could be provided through a Church family, I didn’t give much thought to looking into one that would be similar to that which I attended at home (an AOG) in the country.
I’m definitely not using this as an excuse to just sit around and expect God to provide, but amazingly when I arrived at the stud, the first thing to greet me in my room was a guitar – it belonged to my friendly German roommate. Now if this wasn’t enough, one of the other girls who I grew close to also had one and was learning, so we were able to play together and encourage each other.
Coming up to my first weekend off, I was in my room reading my Bible with the door open. One of the girls wandered by and spotted the book. I quickly found out she was a Christian – the only other Christian on my course. She too had the coming weekend off and took me to a Church she had been attending as she had been living in Ireland for some time. The Church – one that just happened to be recognised as an AOG – had an amazing family and we were quickly welcomed in, soon attending young adult services when free and a weekly bible study.
I have a list of goals for my life and studied French while in high school and although I hadn’t touched on it for a couple of years, still wanted to visit France and improve my French. The young Christian woman took me and another friend to her home town of Angers in France over a long weekend that she managed to get off for each of us and I was blessed to attend her Church – another AOG – while in the country and meet some of her gorgeous friends.
Following my course, I was able to visit the country again for two and a half weeks, staying with the other French girl on the course – the one who had been playing guitar with me. Even interests that aren’t needs in my life, but rather wants, God provides for.
Through delaying my want to do this particular course for a year, he put me in an environment where I was able to have a strong Christian friend, my wants were provided for and many opportunities were given to live out my faith, serve others and encourage them and even witness. Coincidence? I think not.
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