Most amazing thing happened today at Birdsland Reserve.
I was watching two Spotted Pardalotes dancing in the air and flitting from tree to tree. Then they dive bombed towards the lake, both hitting the water. One flew off but the other couldn’t, it tried really hard and kept moving along, then stopping and panting, then trying again. I was nowhere near it so I couldn’t get a stick or small branch to it, all I could do was watch and hope and pray the bird would get to safety. I was praying so much for God to save the bird but wasn’t at all sure how He would do that, and shaking for the little bird too. Would it survive?
And then suddenly, a Dusky Moorhen turned up (I’d not noticed it before when I was walking along) and it slowly glided towards the tiny, almost submerged bird, then pushed it along towards a stick. I was so thrilled to see this! Wish I’d gotten some really decent shots, but didn’t. I was probably shaking because of my panicking for the little bird. Didn’t have the right settings for a couple of the shots. My glasses fogged up and I moved my camera away from my eyes to clear and then back again, but by then the tiny bird had taken off. whew!
Images are blurred, some are cropped, all are as they were taken. Normally I don’t share shots that aren’t that clear, but these tell a story.

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